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Using the new Ad Mediator control for Windows Phone

Microsoft announced today a new SDK to help monetize your Windows Phone apps. This SDK, called Ad Mediator allows you to integrate multiple ad providers into your app. We all know that PubCenter has not been performing well, even Microsoft. So, the tools team built this SDK to help developers easily earn money through ads. This is not a new concept. Windows Phone has had the AdRotator control for some time. Advantages of using Ad Medator The Ad Mediator will cycle between any of the ad providers that you configure. You are not guaranteed to get 100% fill rate. You are not guaranteed to get high eCPM. But you are guaranteed that if one provider does not have an ad, another provider will be used. Installing and using the SDK I’m not going to go over this topic except to say to follow the documentation online. Precautions I found that there are some things you need to be careful of. You must download and install the ad provider SDKs before configuring Ad Mediator. You do not need to dow... [More]