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2012 Developer Summit must watch videos

If you haven’t heard, the videos for the 2012 ArcGIS Developer Summit are now finally available. The day one plenary was available the very next day so I have no idea why it took a month to get the session videos out. The videos I’m going to recommend are from the perspective of someone who has worked with ArcGIS Server for more than 4 years. My team built the very first custom Server Object Extension (SOE). I helped redesign the Telvent Silverlight SDK, and and I see a strong need for more mobile apps. These videos are ordered. Sesions I attended Building Web Editing Applications with ArcGIS 10.1 for Server-by Gary MacDougall and Ismael Chivite Hands down the best session in terms of content. I was floored to see all of the new editing functionality within ArcGIS Server. I had been working with ArcGIS Server 10.1 the first week that Beta 1 went out, but I had never been able to test or investigate the new editing. ArcGIS Server for Administrators-by Ismael Chivite and Jay Theo... [More]