Setting the device wallpaper in Windows Universal Apps 29. July 2015 Shawn Universal Apps (0) Windows 10 launched today and with it comes a new SDK for building “Universal Apps”. This new SDK comes with a lot of new functionality. One of those pieces is a new way to set the wallpaper of a device. This new API is available on the new UserProfilePersonalizationSettings class. This class is used for setting the lockscreen, and the device wallpaper. The new UserProfilePersonalizationSettings class has a TrySetWallpaperImageAsync method that accepts any local StorageFile (I have not been able to set the wallpaper using the FileOpenPicker). This means you can save an image to the local or roaming folders, or use an existing image packaged with your app. var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/AwesomeWallpaper.jpg"));await Windows.System.UserProfile.UserProfilePersonalizationSettings.Current.TrySetWallpaperImageAsync(file); This example uses a file packaged with the app in the Assets folder. You should check if the device has the abi... [More]
Setting the lockscreen in Windows Universal Apps 29. July 2015 Shawn Universal Apps (0) Set lockscreen within Windows 10 universal apps [More]
Creating a behavior or action to close a Flyout from a control within the Flyout 8. May 2015 Shawn Universal Apps (0) I recently started work on a new project and I’m trying hard to use “no code-behind”. This has been challenging for me as I tend to always put very view specific logic within the view itself. Things like navigation, starting storyboards or showing popups/flyouts. One thing I was trying to do recently was close a Flyout from a button within the flyout. My first approach was to try an EventTriggerBehavior for the Click event of the button along with the CallMethodAction. I tried two ways to call the Hide method on the flyout. 1: <Button x:Name="AddButton" Content="Add Item" > 2: <Button.Flyout> 3: <Flyout x:Name="AddItemFlyout" 4: Placement="Full"> 5: <StackPanel> 6: <TextBox x:Name="PlaceName" Header="Name"/> 7: <Grid> 8: <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> 9: <ColumnDefinition/> 10: <Col... [More]
Displaying HTML content in a TextBlock 16. January 2015 Shawn Behavior, Universal Apps (0) So many apps are using third party services to display data. Some of these services may give detailed information in HTML format. Why would they give information in HTML? Simple it’s universal. Everyone can display HTML. All of the platforms have some form of a webview control to display HTML. I recently came across such a service that actually gave information in both plain text and HTML. The plain text did not offer the detail that the HTML content did. So I set out to create a way to display the HTML inside a TextBlock. You may ask why I did not use a Webview control and I’ll say with a smile “Because I didn’t want to”. I’ll be 100% honest here, I took some pointers from the HtmlAgilityPack. I should note that this is not intended to display an entire website. You can adjust it to work, but just don’t. To tackle this task I created a new Behavior that would adjust the text of a TextBlock when it was loaded. The Runtime Interactivity SDK does not include a base Behavior class like th... [More]
Getting and Setting the SeletedIndex (visible section) of the Hub, now with Binding! 26. August 2014 Shawn Universal Apps (0) In my last post I talked about how you can restore the last visible section of the Hub. In that post I talked about the lack of the SelectedIndex and SelectedItem properties in the Hub control. These properties were in the Panorama control. Not having these properties means setting the visible section from a view model requires access to the Hub. This is not ideal. When functionality is not available, create it! When you want to add functionality to a control there are two basic solutions. Extend the control by creating a new one. Extend the control with attached properties The first solution is generally accomplished by inheriting from the control itself. The second is most often solved with a behavior. Whenever possible I prefer option 1 over option 2. The downside to option 1 is adding more and more functionality trying to come up with a good name for your control. Extending existing controls is really easy. There [usually] is not a need to create a new style for the control. We ... [More]
Transitioning your app from the Panorama control to the Hub control 3. April 2014 Shawn Universal Apps (0) At //build today Microsoft announced the new Universal Apps that will allow you to build desktop, tablet and phone apps using the same code. These are different than PCLs as they allow for platform functionality (I won’t get into differences between PCLs and Shared Projects here). These new apps will be based on the XAML platform that Windows tablet apps are built on. So this means that you can build Windows Phone apps with new XAML elements that are available in Windows [tablet] Apps like the GridView, ListView, Hub and more. This also means that Silverlight Windows Phone controls will not be available. One of these missing controls is the Panorama control. We’ll look at how we can take an existing Panorama app, and convert it to a Hub app. Migrating to the Hub control from the Panorama control is very easy. To start, I’ll create a new Windows Phone [Silverlight] Panorama app. I’ll call in PanoramaConversion. Next I’ll add a new project to the solution. For this project I’ll c... [More]