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Easily share status with your WinRT App (AKA Share Source Charm)

There are two types of way to share use the Share Charm win Windows8. Your app can be a Share Source, or a Share Target. Think of Share Target as your email or Twitter/Facebook apps. Share Source is everything else. I was  trying to add in the ability to share status within an app and thought it would be a pretty easy thing to do. It was easy, but took me awhile searching the web to find out how to do it.  I’m hoping to make that a little easier for you. The first thing is to tell the app that users have the ability to share from your app. I thought this was going to be hidden in the app manifest file but was surprised to discover that this is done in code. To register your app as one that can share information, you must subscribe to the DataRequested event from the DataTransferManager. var dataTransferManager = DataTransferManager.GetForCurrentView(); dataTransferManager.DataRequested += DataTransferManagerOnDataRequested; I found one example o... [More]